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Facet Joint Injection


Facet Joint Injection

The Lumbar Facet Joint Injection is a procedure used to block or decrease pain caused by problems in the lumbar (low back) spine. Lumbar facet joints, which are not much larger than your thumbnail, are located on either side of each vertebrae. They provide stability and guide motion in the low back. If the joints become inflamed you may experience not only low back pain but also pain in the abdomen, buttocks, groin and legs.

Facet Joint Injection

Procedure Details

Will you be asleep for the procedure? It is not necessary for you to go to sleep for this procedure; however, you will receive enough medication to keep you comfortable.
How long will the procedure take? Normally, a cervical facet joint injection takes no more than 10 or 15 minutes.

Procedure Overview

The Lumbar Facet Joint Injection is an outpatient procedure performed in the operating room or a special procedure room. When brought to the operating or special procedure room, you are connected to monitoring equipment (EKG monitor, blood pressure cuff, and a blood-oxygen monitoring device), and positioned on your stomach or sitting up. The doctor or nurse may start an intravenous line and give some medicine to help you relax. Your back is cleansed with an antiseptic soap after which the doctor injects numbing medicine deep into your skin and tissue. This will cause a burning sensation for a few seconds.

After the numbing medicine takes effect the doctor will insert another needle, and with the assistance of a special X-ray machine called a fluoroscope, inject a radiopaque dye (contrast solution) to confirm correct needle position. When satisfied with the needle position, the doctor will inject a small mixture of numbing medicine (anesthetic) and anti-inflammatory medicine (cortisone/steroid). Immediately after the procedure, you will move your neck to determine if you still have your usual pain. We ask that you remain at the Clinic until the doctor feels you are ready to leave.